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20160409 Nephila pilipes - Golden Orb Weaver Spider A stunning feature of this spider, is its web, a gorgeous golden yellow color, and HUGE! I have seen webs stretched across a stream, with a span of 25 feet. The actual trap part can be the size of your front door. The web is no delicate affair, I actually managed to shake the bush on the opposite side of the stream.<br />
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The web is generally a permanent feature, undergoing constant repairs, rather than a new nightly construction. But occasionally, the spider will pull down the web, eat it, and move on to find a better location.<br />
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Quite amazing that this spider can rise from a tiny egg to the size of a dinner plate in one season, but the life span of pilipes, like all Nephila, is 15 months, long enough to grow, mate, hatch a brood, tend them a while, then die. Once the season is over, the webs become tattered and torn, and finally wither away, making room for the next generation.<br />
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Location is Bandung, West Java, Indonesia. Alongside a stream and paddy fields.<br />
<figure class="photo"><a href="https://www.jungledragon.com/image/37663/nephila_pilipes_-_golden_orb_weaver_spider.html" title="Nephila pilipes - Golden Orb Weaver Spider"><img src="https://s3.amazonaws.com/media.jungledragon.com/images/2784/37663_thumb.JPG?AWSAccessKeyId=05GMT0V3GWVNE7GGM1R2&Expires=1718236810&Signature=qN8EJahGlinnxugP1Yrp4v%2BQkt4%3D" width="200" height="200" alt="Nephila pilipes - Golden Orb Weaver Spider A huge, distinctive, dangerous looking spider, very common in Indonesia. But, until you see your first one, you will probably walk past hundreds. Despite carrying the bright warning colors of danger, they just seem so elusive. I have walked into more than a couple of webs and ended up with a massive arachnid panicking on my face.<br />
<br />
Despite the warning livery, the spider is quite harmless to humans, but I have measured body lengths of 2&rdquo; and toe to toe spans of 10&rdquo;. A full grown pilipes will sit comfortably on a big hand, without stretching out its legs.<br />
<br />
Location is Bandung, West Java, Indonesia. Alongside a stream and paddy fields.<br />
http://www.jungledragon.com/image/37664/20160409_nephila_pilipes_-_golden_orb_weaver_spider.html Bandung,Geotagged,Indonesia,Nephila pilipes,Northern Golden Orb Weaver,Winter,arachnid,golden orb weaver,spider" /></a></figure> Bandung,Geotagged,Indonesia,Nephila pilipes,Northern Golden Orb Weaver,Winter,arachnid,golden orb weaver,spider Click/tap to enlarge

20160409 Nephila pilipes - Golden Orb Weaver Spider

A stunning feature of this spider, is its web, a gorgeous golden yellow color, and HUGE! I have seen webs stretched across a stream, with a span of 25 feet. The actual trap part can be the size of your front door. The web is no delicate affair, I actually managed to shake the bush on the opposite side of the stream.

The web is generally a permanent feature, undergoing constant repairs, rather than a new nightly construction. But occasionally, the spider will pull down the web, eat it, and move on to find a better location.

Quite amazing that this spider can rise from a tiny egg to the size of a dinner plate in one season, but the life span of pilipes, like all Nephila, is 15 months, long enough to grow, mate, hatch a brood, tend them a while, then die. Once the season is over, the webs become tattered and torn, and finally wither away, making room for the next generation.

Location is Bandung, West Java, Indonesia. Alongside a stream and paddy fields.

Nephila pilipes - Golden Orb Weaver Spider A huge, distinctive, dangerous looking spider, very common in Indonesia. But, until you see your first one, you will probably walk past hundreds. Despite carrying the bright warning colors of danger, they just seem so elusive. I have walked into more than a couple of webs and ended up with a massive arachnid panicking on my face.<br />
<br />
Despite the warning livery, the spider is quite harmless to humans, but I have measured body lengths of 2” and toe to toe spans of 10”. A full grown pilipes will sit comfortably on a big hand, without stretching out its legs.<br />
<br />
Location is Bandung, West Java, Indonesia. Alongside a stream and paddy fields.<br />
http://www.jungledragon.com/image/37664/20160409_nephila_pilipes_-_golden_orb_weaver_spider.html Bandung,Geotagged,Indonesia,Nephila pilipes,Northern Golden Orb Weaver,Winter,arachnid,golden orb weaver,spider

    comments (4)

  1. A full lifecycle in a single post, excellent writeup! Posted 8 years ago
  2. So much to write about on this species. I see about 10 spiders on every session. I don't shoot every time, as I already have so many images. It was a difficult choice to pick out just a couple. So many more shots that I want to show, may be another day.

    Posted 8 years ago
  3. This is a lovely shot, it almost looks like the spider is delicately playing a tune on its golden harp. Posted 8 years ago
    1. The webs are quite amazing. I have taken photos of just webs!

      Posted 8 years ago

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"Nephila pilipes" is a species of golden orb-web spider. It resides all over countries in East and Southeast Asia as well as Oceania. It is commonly found in primary and secondary forests and gardens.

Similar species: Spiders
Species identified by Vodkaman
View Vodkaman's profile

By Vodkaman

All rights reserved
Uploaded Apr 9, 2016. Captured Jul 12, 2012 12:53 in Jl. Lavender No.8, Ciwaruga, Parongpong, Kabupaten Bandung Barat, Jawa Barat, Indonesia.
  • NIKON D7000
  • f/8.0
  • 1/60s
  • ISO400
  • 105mm