ADRES Publisher Description

The ADRES is the Association for the Development of Research in Economics and Statistitics. It has the general role to support the circulation of the ideas and the communication within the French community of the theoretical and quantitative economists and the statisticians. The activities of the ADRES consist in organizing periodic seminars and conferences, publishing a review, Annals of Economics and Statistics, contributing to the organization and the financing of conferences and finally, to organize doctoral meetings allowing young doctors to introduce their works. ADRES is financed by the following institutions: CNRS, Banque de France, CDC, Finance Ministry and INSEE.

Journals in JSTOR from ADRES
1 Journal in JSTOR Date Range
Annals of Economics and Statistics 2009 - 2024
Annales d'Économie et de Statistique 1986 - 2008
Annales de l'inséé 1969 - 1985
Cahiers du Séminaire d'Économétrie 1951 - 1985