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Karl Truppe 1940 Portrait of a girl

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  1. EMS220813:43
  2. TikkiBear14:15
  3. Hollo14:49
  4. regine16:40
  5. surfingthenet17:22
  6. funky117:38
  7. Mickat17:50
  8. fliprood18:42
  9. Smansfield18:44
  10. martyhorner19:17


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Yes Gerda this is a wonderful portrait!
Have a nice WE for the 21july :-))... Léa.


This is a stunning painting! Thanks for posting


Not everything is perfect yet with the computer, but we get there. No doubt there will be a day without publication ...
This portrait is admirable. Natural, simple and aesthetic.
Have a nice day Cyndi ;-)).


Perfection! Looks like your new computer is doing a fine job.

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