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Bassano del Grappa


A bridge of memory, between the past and the present

The municipality of Bassano del Grappa is an evocative place, where one breathes an atmosphere of times gone by. Situated on the banks of the river Brenta, beneath Monte Grappa, it is the most famous town in Vicenza, second only to the provincial capital. 

A must on the visit is the historic covered wooden bridge, the symbol of the city. Ponte Vecchio, also known as Ponte degli Alpini, stands at the point where the Brenta River narrows the most. In 2019, it was included in the list of National Monuments. During the First World War, Italian troops passed over the famous bridge to defend the territories of the Sette Comuni plateau. At the end of the route, with a view of the city and the mountains, you can visit the small Museum of the Ponte degli Alpini, desired and inaugurated by the A.N.A. in 1950. 

Other points of interest are Piazza Libertà, which houses the Loggia del Comune, and Piazza Garibaldi. It is impossible to end the visit without a mention of grappa. If you are a lover of the spirit, book a visit with tasting at the Poli Grappa Museum or the Grapperia Nardini, the oldest in Italy, where you can still breathe in the atmosphere of the late 18th century.

Bassano del Grappa

36061 Bassano del Grappa, Province of Vicenza, Italy

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