Lab 1: Rube Goldberg Machines
Lead TAs: Steve, Rich

The floor plan for demos can be found here.


In this lab you will design a simple Rube Goldberg Machine. The basic idea is that this machine performs a number of overly complex steps in order to complete a simple task. The images below should clarify this idea. We will present more detail in lecture.

For more information on Rube Goldberg machines, including an annual national contest, visit the Official Rube Goldberg website.

As you walk past cobbler shop, hook (A) strikes suspended boot (B), causing it to kick football (C) through goal posts (D). Football drops into basket (E) and string (F) tilts sprinkling can (G), causing water to soak coat tails (H). As coat shrinks, cord (I) opens door (J) of cage, allowing bird (K) to walk out on perch (L) and grab worm (M), which is attached to string (N). This pulls down window shade (O), on which is written, "YOU SAP, MAIL THAT LETTER."

Challenge Statement:

Build a Rube Goldberg Machine that will dispense a super bouncy ball when a quarter is inserted. Dispense a super bouncy ball to the TA when they insert a quarter. Your machine should consist of at least 5 energy transfers (steps). You may generate your own electrical potential, or utilize more creative sources of same, as long as you do not use a commercial product (like a battery, power supply, or outlet power). You may use any materials you can find except for those involving commercial sources of electrical potential as indicated above. Each step should be unique and contribute to the goal. Basically this means you can't, for example, have some rolling ball hit a few pins on its way down a ramp and have those actions count as steps. If you have questions, email Steve.

You should bring your machines to lecture on Wednesday, September 7 to demo them. Up to two human interventions are permitted: one to start the machine, and one to intervene if something unexpected occurs. 

In the case of bonus points, the number of human interventions is limited to one per machine; except for the first machine, which is still allowed two. Also, intervensions are not stackable. For example, if the first three machines work flawlessly and the final machine fails, the team is not allowed to intervene three times to correct it.

Size constraints:

  • base: 3' x 4' maximum
  • height: 5' maximum


  • Your group's Rube-Goldberg Machine
  • A hard copy and a URL for a web site that
    • Depicts your Group's name and members' names.
    • Contains pictures of your Rube-Goldberg Machine
    • lists the energy tranfers
    • (Example webpage)
  • A copy of the grading sheet, below.


  • A (95): 5 energy transfers (steps)
  • B (85): 4 energy transfers (steps)
  • C (75): 3 energy transfers (steps)
  • D (65): 2 energy transfers (steps)
  • F (55): < 2 energy transfers or it doesn't work
  • F- (0): No machine at all
  • Five bonus points will be awarded if your machine can be attached to another group's machine and the two machines can run in SERIAL to create a larger (10+ transfers) Rube Goldberg machine. If three or more machines can be attached serially (15+ transfers), two additional points will be given for each successfully attached machine. For example, if four machines connected in serial successfully complete the goal, each team will recieve 5 + 2 + 2 = 9 bonus points for a total grade of 104 per team! Please notify Steve by 12:00pm Sunday, September 4th with a list of the teams involved if you wish to pursue the bonus points.

    A serial connected Rube Goldberg Machine is defined as one whose first energy transfer is initiated by the final energy transfer of the previous machine.

    A parallel connected Rube Goldberg Machine is defined as one whose final energy transfer triggers multiple energy transfers.

    Update for connected machines:
    Each machine must operate independently with a quarter, spitting out a ball. When the machines are connected, the ball from the first machine may trigger that which the quarter would have triggered on the second machine. You may also choose to have the ball from the first machine push a quarter into the second machine. Either solution is fine, as long as each machine operates independently (when not connected) with a quarter.

  • Lab 1 Grading Sheet
Some videos of previous years' machines:
Cracking an egg
Pouring a can of soda with a mouse
Pouring soda with Dominoes

Famous Honda 'Cog' Commercial: