Big day for a tiny village


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Roughly 150 people attended the 85th anniversary celebration of the Napinka legion last month — an event that coincided with the village’s annual Decoration Day service.

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Hey there, time traveller!
This article was published 13/07/2016 (2855 days ago), so information in it may no longer be current.

Roughly 150 people attended the 85th anniversary celebration of the Napinka legion last month — an event that coincided with the village’s annual Decoration Day service.

“We had a school reunion that day, too, so we had lots of people out there,” Melita mayor and legion branch president Bill Holden said of the June 19 event. “One hundred fifty is a big crowd for Napinka — the town of Napinka only has about 40 people in it.”

Decoration Day is a Canadian holiday that recognizes veterans of the Canadian military.

Melita mayor and Royal Canadian Legion branch president Bill Holden leads the parade of Napinka legion members and air cadets from Melita’s 263 Squadron through the Napinka cemetery during the village’s annual Decoration Day service on June 19.
Submitted Melita mayor and Royal Canadian Legion branch president Bill Holden leads the parade of Napinka legion members and air cadets from Melita’s 263 Squadron through the Napinka cemetery during the village’s annual Decoration Day service on June 19.

The Napinka service took place in the local cemetery where all of the graves of veterans were decorated with a Canadian flag and a Union Jack.

“We have one (Second World War) veteran left in our branch, and that happens to be my mother-in-law, Dorothy Lewis,” Holden said.

During the service, branch members and air cadets from Melita’s 263 Squadron performed a march past and the names of all the deceased veterans were read from an honour roll.

The legion’s 85th anniversary celebration followed at the Napinka drop-in centre.

» The Brandon Sun

Napinka’s last Second World War veteran, Dorothy Lewis, celebrates her 99th birthday this year. (All photos are submitted)
Submitted Napinka’s last Second World War veteran, Dorothy Lewis, celebrates her 99th birthday this year. (All photos are submitted)
Napinka legion member Malcolm McInnes, left, and branch president Bill Holden cut a cake during the legion’s 85th anniversary celebration on June 19.
Submitted Napinka legion member Malcolm McInnes, left, and branch president Bill Holden cut a cake during the legion’s 85th anniversary celebration on June 19.
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