Episode 7: Diane Arbus and the Monster Club

In this episode, I tell the story of how I got to research a very rare photograph by Diane Arbus that she took while on assignment for a magazine called Famous Monsters of Filmland. The photograph features 5 youngsters on the stoop of their rowhouse in Queens, sporting monster masks. It was was sold at Sotheby’s on 3 October 2019.

It sold for $50,000 against a pre-sale estimate of $15,000-25,000!

Jim Warren and editor Forrest Ackerman started publication of Famous Monsters of Filmland in 1958 and it was still in production until 1983. Here are some of my favorite covers:


Episode 8: Diane Arbus, Steven Shainberg and ‘Fur’


Episode 6: Devil’s Paradise: The Problem with Rubber