
Knyaz of Sturgia - Resents Raganvad's Authority

Olek is patriarch of the Kuloving, one of the oldest of the Sturgian clans, which never really accepted the idea of the monarchy. He believes the boyars should be lords in their own lands. He is famed for once telling the prince, 'Every wound I suffer in battle under your banner is like my wife's caress, but every denar I pay to your treasury in tax is like an arrow in my gut.' He is older now, and keeps his counsel, but few believe that his resentment of princely authority has in any way diminished.

Story of Character

This character is part of Sturgia, and is the head of clan Kuloving. Son of Olek the Old and brother of Siga, and the late Varra. Father of Urik, Idrun, and Rozhivol.

Digging in the Files

Source Text
lords.XML Olek, fierce old traditionalist. Custom equipment
world_lore_strings.XML "Ah, yes. Raganvad, the glorious king, gave my little sister Pira (Varra in the current release) to a Khuzait to seal an alliance. Well, my other sister - Siga - she wasn't having any of that. She rescued NAME, and left the Khuzait's castle in flames behind her. Well, Raganvad couldn't have that - he had my sister taken by surprise, and sent her head to the Khuzaits. This is not something that our family can forget."
world_lore_strings.XML Our family have been the masters of this corner of the woods since the gods willed that the trees grow and the rivers flow. Someone wants to call himself Prince of the Sturgians? We have no quarrel with that. Just let that prince know that on our land, we're still the masters.
spclans.XML Patriarch - Olek old, ferocious


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