Celestite Wrap

Celestite Wrap


Shown in picture:

Authentic crystal, Celestite gold wrapped stone, Lapis rounds, Ocean Jasper rounds, Blue Goldstone Rounds with pewter deco beading. Rope is 1 inch black leather. A beautiful addition to any crystal collector. 

The combination of the celestite
wrap necklace with other stones will have your soul tingling with power.  

Celestite is in association with the third eye chakra
and is the stone of meditation, prayer, and mindfulness. Meditate on what you
want and be mindful of your surroundings in your daily life. It is a stone of
deep connections to your higher consciousness as you become mindful of what is
to come in your life.  

Lapis Lazuli is the stone of multiple metaphysical
properties to help with your day. It is the stone that guards against physic attacks.
Quickly releases stress and brings deep peace and increase self-confidence to
the holder of this precious gemstone. It encourages creativity to an artist mind.
It stimulates objectivity and clarity to many situations. It helps you express
your mind and thoughts you may have as feelings and emotions flow like water.  

Ocean Jasper is a very rare yet powerful
stone. It comes in many different variations because it is a stone of the sea.
It is also known as Orbicular Jasper or Cellular Jasper.  

It activates and aligns
our solar plexus, heart, and throat chakras. It has a highly energetic channel allowing one
the ability to combine their will with their emotions, pushing one to achieve
joy, happiness, and emotional stability. 

Ocean Jasper reminds us to go with the flow and not remain attached to any particular
outcome or situation. Water is of this stone, and it has a calming,
soothing effect on most of us and this stone wants us to feel that peaceful,
serene energy of the ocean. It will encourage you to breathe deep, remain
calm, and relax, so you can approach any situation with a focused mind. 

Blue Goldstone is a great shield against unwanted energy
and sending it back to its source. Empaths benefit from Blue Goldstone’s
protective energy that helps transmute all that is absorbed from others to a
more peaceful, healing energy. Technically, it is a manmade stone from
glass, Cobalt and Manganese and other elemental metals. With that being said,
it can give off and help in many other ways as well.   

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