Setup and Using RAM Disk in daily development

I have quite strong QuadCore computer with 8GB RAM. Normally, my daily working basis uses nearly 6GB RAM. So 2GB more are waste. I often have to write installer script, try/test the setup, installer … which read/write a lot of files (7000 files, WTH)

So idea about RAM disk (from DOS era) come up!

Software to create RAM disk

1. ImDisk. TESTed on Win7


3. I use this DataRAM RamDisk

Install it is very simple.

Create/Start new disk in DataRAM
go to Computer Manager, Disk Management, format it and assign drive letter, Fix the drive character to R: for easily reference later.

Settings/DiskSize set to your need
Load and Save/Load Disk Image at Startup, Filename = C:\RAMDISK.img
Load and Save/Save Disk Image on shutdown, Filename = C:\RAMDISK.img
Option/Do not compress image file on NTFS filesystems

Using your ram disk

Redirect Chrome cache dir

Change your Chrome shortcut, change the Target to

C:\Users\ngng\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe –user-data-dir=”D:\LockeVN\ChromeLockeVNWorkProfile” –disk-cache-dir=”R:\Google\ChromeDev”

Change Win7 temp path

Go to environment of OS, redirect TEMP and TMP folder to ramdisk


BONUS tweak

Use symbolic link of Win7 to change some temp folder of programs to RAM disk. I change Firefox, IE, aspnet, obj folder of my Visual Studio solution to RAM disk.

Using symbolic file system links, you can put the cache directory on another drive or location completely, and still have Chrome think it’s accessing the cache directory normally.

If you’re on Windows Vista or Windows 7, you should have a command line tool called “mklink”. Otherwise, if you’re using an older OS, you can download a program called Junction from Microsoft TechNet.

I’ll give you an example of how to change my Cache directory (if I wanted to do that). I’ll be moving the Cache directory to “D:\chrome_cache”.

I would go to [Start menu > Run…], and type in “cmd” to bring-up a command prompt window.
Next, I would type this in:

mklink /D “C:\Users\Bapa\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Cache” “D:\chrome_cache”

Let’s break it down.
The first term, “mklink” is the name of the command line program we’ll be using.
/D is a command-line switch to tell it to link to a directory.
The first parameter, in quotation marks, is the location we want our symbolic link to be placed.
The last parameter is the location we want to link to.

Note: The file system that you want to place the symbolic link on must be NTFS.

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