One-stop-shop for
integrating IoT with blockchain

Secure the integrity of your IoT-generated data with a highly scalable, secure and super low-cost blockchain.

Check out our platform now for free

Offer your company the integrity of IoT-generated data with our Inkaust Platform.
Explore Inkaust Platform


We offer expert guidance for integrating blockchain into IoT-based solutions and systems. Our services encompass process and risk analysis, designing system architecture, strategic planning, technical insights and blockchain integration. In our work we collaborate with different industry experts bringing you best possible service.

Inkaust Platform

Integrate your IoT devices with Inkaust Platform which allows you to manage network settings, API keys, wallets, and transaction settlements. Write data from IoT devices to the blockchain, time-stamp it and read it without sophisticated IT expertise.

Customized solutions

We develop custom solutions specifically designed to meet the specific requirements of your business-case. As a result, blockchain-based solutions tailored to your organization's needs will help to ensure optimal integration with your IoT systems and deliver tangible results.


Marcin Rzetecki
Marcin Zarakowski
Karol Dragan
Marcin Dyba
Michał Pawelski

Interested in Inkaust? Reach out to us!

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