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to jedno

Translation of "to jedno" in English


Sądzenie to jedno, udowodnienie to drugie.
Thinking he's guilty is one thing, proving it's another.
Zbieranie podpisów to jedno, ale przemowa...
Getting names on this petition is one thing, but trying to write this speech...
Jestem zaskoczony to jedno wciąż trwa.
I'm surprised this one's still standing.
Wszystkie nasze związki definiowało to jedno słowo.
All our relationships were defined by this one word...
Zatrudnianie na podstawie gry to jedno.
It's one thing to hire based on a game.
Czerpać korzyści z huraganu to jedno.
It's one thing to profit from the storm.
Ujawnić to jedno, udowodnić drugie.
Exposing is one thing, proving it is another.
Kanibalizm to jedno, ale długowieczność...
Cannibalism is one thing, but increasing longevity by it...
Zajmowanie się dojrzewającym wampirem to jedno.
Look, an incubating vampire is one thing.
Rodzina to jedno... ale są granice.
I agree. I mean, family is one thing, but there are limits.
Poczęcie dziecka z żonatym facetem to jedno.
Conceiving a baby with a married man is one thing.
Fosfor w bombie samochodowej to jedno.
White phosphorus in a car bomb is one thing.
Zniszczenie broni zdolnej zabić mnie to jedno.
Destroying the weapon that can destroy me is one thing.
Nieufność to jedno, ale okłamywanie swojego brata...
Mistruth is one thing, but lying to your brother...
Ponieważ staram się wypełnić to jedno.
Because I'm just trying to make it through this one.
Nie, kłamanie kapitanowi to jedno.
No, lying to the captain is one thing.
Zabić człowieka w samoobronie to jedno.
It's one thing to kill a man in self-defense.
Aresztowaliśmy wystarczająco złych ludzi za to jedno morderstwo.
We have arrested enough of the wrong people for this one homicide.
Wzięcie odpowiedzialności to jedno, to godne podziwu.
Taking responsibility is one thing, and it's admirable.
Uwolnienie to jedno, obciążanie innych to drugie.
Freeing yourself is one thing, burdening others is another.
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Results: 5471. Exact: 5471. Elapsed time: 421 ms.

Word index: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Expression index: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Phrase index: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200