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Translation of "pracowac" in English

to work working


My jedziemy pracowac a nie odpoczywac.
We're going to work, not to have fun.
Pomogly ludziom w wielu krajach pracowac razem.
They have helped people from many countries to work together.
Chce tylko pracowac z osób z wnetrznosci.
I only want to work with people with guts.
Wiem juz, co to znaczy pracowac.
I know what it is to work now.
Jednak dodać muszę że lubie pracowac w grupie wiec zawsze ktos mi pomaga.
However, I must add that I like to work in a group, so there is always someone who helps me.
Był wszędzie i był jedyną osobą, dla ktorej chciałem pracowac.
He was everywhere. I thought this is the only person I want to work for.
Lubię pracowac w zespole, mieć cele i je osiągać.
I like to work in a team, have goals and achieve them.
Zamierza pracowac na Shrimper, jesli dobrze rozumiem.
He's going to work on a shrimper, if I understand correctly.
Ale kiedy uslyszalam, ze przyjdzie pracowac w Merlotte's, sama bylam calkiem ciekawa.
But when I heard he was coming to work at Merlotte's, I was pretty curious myself.
Niektórzy doradzali mi pracowac w Mardi Gras.
Some had advised me to work the Mardi Gras crowds.
Nie pozwolilbym ci pracowac w polu.
I couldn't let you work in the fields.
Nawet podczas lunchu kiedy powinno sie pracowac.
Even during lunch, when she should be working.
Musieli pracowac nad tym przez miesiace.
They must have been working on it for months.
Nie chce pracowac w twojej organizacji.
I don't want to work in your organization.
Bo bedziesz pracowac nad swoim podaniem caly weekend.
'Cause you'll be working on your application all weekend.
LeAnn wciaz musi dla mnie pracowac.
It is, but I still need her to work for me.
Ale musisz pracowac i go rozwijac.
But you must work and develop it.
Jestem ksieciem nie wolno mi pracowac.
I'm a prince. I'm not allowed to work.
Moge pracowac 70 procent zamiast 30?
Could I work 70% instead of 30?
No wiesz, dopiero zaczelam tam pracowac, weekendy.
Well, I just started there. Weekends.
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Word index: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Expression index: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Phrase index: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200