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Translation of "bylo" in English

there were


Myslalem o Marsjanach kiedy ich jeszcze nie bylo.
I've been thinking about Martians when there weren't any.
W ostatnim tygodniu w jej sasiedztwie bylo pietnascie strzelanin...
There were fifteen gunshots in her neighborhood in the previous week...
W pokoju bylo okolo dwudziestu studentów.
There were around twenty students in the room.
Obudzilam sie a ciebie nie bylo.
I woke up, and you weren't there.
Łatwiej bylo unikać wszystko i wszystkich.
It was just easier to avoid everything and everyone.
50 tysiecy i stanowisko bylo moje.
Fifty thousand, and the judgeship was mine.
Czasem dowództwo roznosi falszywe pogloski, by nie bylo przecieków.
Sometimes the brass spreads a false rumour, so there won't be a leak.
To dziecko czymkolwiek bylo zabilo ja.
That baby - whatever it was - it killed her.
Wlasciwie... W szpitalu bylo kiepsko.
Actually, it was pretty bad at the hospital.
Kasztany, kukurydzy tez nie bylo.
Chestnuts. There was no corn, either.
Wszystko zalezy ile bylo martwych komórek.
It depends on how much muscle cell death there was.
Zostalo znalezione tam gdzie bylo cialo.
It was found where the body had been.
Twoje auto bylo obok miejsca wypadku.
We found your vehicle near the scene of an accident.
Dla mnie bylo to najcenniejsze wydarzenie...
For me, this experience has been one of the most rewarding...
Zagwarantowanie klientom bezpieczenstwa informacji bylo waznym aspektem w rozwoju systemu.
Guaranteeing information security for customers has been an important aspect in the development.
W pierwszym okresie bylo to pisanie.
For the first period, it was writing.
Zastapienie bylo i nadal jest nieuniknione.
Replacements have been and continue to be inevitable.
Z ekonomicznego punktu widzenia wyzwaniem bylo zarabianie na ruchu.
From an economic standpoint, the challenge has been to monetize the traffic.
Wiec mamo, bylo tam mnostwo fajnych ludzi.
So, Mom, it was a very nice bunch of people you had at that auction.
Trzecim segmentem 19 sierpnia bylo debata miedzy kandydatami burmistrza.
The third segment of the August 19th meeting was the debate between mayoral candidates.
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Results: 2895. Exact: 2895. Elapsed time: 182 ms.

Word index: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Expression index: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Phrase index: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200