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a ritirare

Translation of "a ritirare" in English

to receive
to take back
to rescind
and pick up to drop picking up
to pull
and collect
to withdrawing
to withdraw to pick up


Qualcuno Verrà a ritirare quei contenitori.
Someone will be here to receive those storage tanks.
Dobbiamo costringere l'Inghilterra a ritirare l'offerta.
Then we have to force England to rescind that offer.
Andavano a ritirare la pensione insieme.
They used to pick up their old-age pension together.
Prima vengo a ritirare le mie cose.
Between then and now, I'm comin' out to pick up my stuff.
Potrebbe tornare a ritirare le foto.
He may come back and pick up his photos.
Domani verrò a ritirare il documento.
And I shall collect the paper from you tomorrow.
Devo andare a ritirare della biancheria.
I must go. I need to fetch some linen.
Può convincerli a ritirare le accuse.
He can get them to drop the charges.
Verrò domattina a ritirare la macclhina.
I'll come tomorrow to pick up my car.
Manderò qualcuno a ritirare le valigie.
Well, I'll send someone over to pick them up.
Sono venuta a ritirare l'assegno.
I just came by to pick up the check.
Oggi deve passare a ritirare delle cose.
I have a few items for you to pick up today as well.
Rimane quindi l'invito a ritirare la comunicazione.
We are therefore continuing to call for the notice to be withdrawn.
Credevo dovessi andare a ritirare le tue riviste.
I thought you were going to the canteen to get your magazines.
Minacce al marito per costringerlo a ritirare la denuncia.
Threats to the husband to force him to withdraw his complaint.
Andrò io al molo a ritirare la merce.
I will be at the pier to pick up the goods.
Devo andare a ritirare il mio abito.
I have to pick up my dress.
No, lo mando a ritirare io.
No, I'll send someone to pick it up.
Passo dopo a ritirare quella roba.
I'll pick that stuff up later.
Domani dobbiamo andare in sartoria a ritirare il tuo vestito.
Tomorrow we must go pick up your dress from the seamstress.
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