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Tłumaczenie hasła "ukrasc" na angielski

to steal


Wykorzystales samotnego chlopaka i próbowales ukrasc jego fundusz na studia.
You cozied up to a lonely kid, and you tried to steal his college fund.
Moze dlatego ze Ciebie tez chcemi ukrasc.
Maybe that's because she's trying to steal you, too.
Po wszystkim, co dla ciebie zrobilem, chciales mi ukrasc pierscien?
After all I've done for you, were you trying to steal my ring?
Znaczy to ze chcecie ukrasc wlasnosc Krola Gunthera?
Meaning that you plan to steal King Gunther's property?
Nie przyszedlem ukrasc ci mamy, mam swojego Angelo
We haven't come to steal your mum, have we, Angelo?
Zamierzasz ukrasc te rzeczy?
You are going to steal this stuff?
Ma pan go ukrasc.
You've got to steal it.
Niedzwiedz wie jak ukrasc koszyk.
That bear knows how to steal a basket.
Obiecujesz go nie ukrasc?
Promise not to steal it?
Twoi kuzyni pomogli mi ukrasc te browary.
Your cousin would've helped me steal this beer.
Myslalam, ze do niego docieram, a on tylko chcial mi ukrasc kluczyki.
I thought I was getting through to him, but he just wanted to steal my car keys.
Mezczyzna, którego starasz sie mi ukrasc.
The man you're trying to steal from me.
Zamiast ukrasc stad calun to ukradnijmy go stamtad.
Instead of stealing the shroud from here... we should steal it from here.
Tylko sposob na zarabianie pieniedzy gdy jestes biedny jest go ukrasc lub oszustwo IT.
The only way to make money when you're poor is to steal it or scam it.
Wyjdz z samochodu, bo Chce ukrasc.
Get out of the car because I want to steal it.
Patrzec czy mozna cokolwiek ukrasc i podawac za swoje?
See if there's anything you can steal and disguise?
Myslalem, ze chciales ukrasc moje plyty, to wszystko.
I thought you was trying to steal my records.
Potem ukrasc go z czlowiekiem, który byl z nim.
Then steal him from the man who was with him.
Kiedy jestes biedny, tylko sposob na zarabianie pieniedzy jest go ukrasc lub oszustwo to, jak Don King czy Joe Kennedy.
When you're poor, only way to make money is to steal it or scam it, like Don King or Joe Kennedy.
Gdzie skreciles jego kark dlatego, ze Bratva powiedziala ci, ze masz to zrobic dlatego, ze powiedzieli ci, ze to pomoze dotrzec do mnie, wygodne klamstwo, by mogli ukrasc jego interes...
Where you snapped his neck because the Bratva told you to do it because they told you it would help to get to me, a convenient lie so they could steal his business...
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