[TI] Wrong textures and 3D models for certain goliath ships

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by -Tyrant-002-, Apr 12, 2019.

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  1. I've noticed over the past months that some goliath ships had incorrect models or textures assigned to them, today I will show some errors I've found and hopefully they get fixed.

    The Goliath Champion uses the default Goliath's textures

    This is the Goliath Champion ship
    Observe the wing with 3 mp-1's on. The wing texture for the back portion of the ship doesn't cover the entire wing as a part of it simply as a grey color to it. Additionally the top wing opposite of the previously mentioned wing as literally no texture at all, it simply has a grey color to it with no detail.

    This is the default Goliath ship
    You can tell it's exactly the same texture that has been applied to both ships, but actually the goliath champion is incorrectly using the default goliath textures.

    Additionally the special designs 'Lava' and 'Argon' for the Goliath Champion use the Default Goliath 3D model



    Here's the default Goliath Champion for comparison with the two previously mentioned designs, you will notice 'Argon' nor 'Lava' have the extra wings on the back of the ship and the front wings have a different design as well

    We can conclude that the 'Lava' and 'Argon' designs for the Goliath Champion are using in fact the Default Goliath 3D model instead of the Goliath Champion 3D design.

    The Goliath Exalted is using the default Goliath 3D model instead of the Honor and Experience design 3D model

    here's the Goliath Veteran

    You can observe it has two wings below the regular set of wings and also has mp-1's attached to those lower wings.

    here's the Goliath Exalted

    You can observe there is no such lower wings and the mp-1 is attached to the bottom of the top wing.

    The Goliath Exalted is using the default Goliath 3D model and not the 3D model the Goliath Veteran uses which is the correct 3D model for this specific design.

    This visual bug needs to be fixed, it shouldn't be as tedious as a code bug. Things like these should be as simple as swapping names in a texture directory! Hope the Devs at DO look at this :) Thanks guys.
  2. Deter

    Deter Board Administrator Team Darkorbit

    Hello -Tyrant-002-,

    Have forwarded this issue to the development tech team. Whether there is a fix or not is dependent on the time, resources, and priority they assign the issue as.

    Closing as answered.
    Too_Much_For_You likes this.
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