
Poznaj wymowę stand·ing

  1. position, status, or reputation.
    „their standing in the community”
    synonimy: status, rank, ranking, position, social position, station, level, footing, place, repute, reputation, estimation, stature, condition, degree, report, seniority, eminence, prominence, prestige, good reputation, esteem, illustriousness, importance, account, consequence, influence, weight, sway, distinction, renown, note, notability, noteworthiness, clout, mark
  2. used to specify the length of time that something has lasted or that someone has fulfilled a particular role.
    „an interdepartmental squabble of long standing
    synonimy: duration, existence, continuance, endurance, length of time, life, validity

  1. (of a jump or a start in a running race) performed from rest or an upright position, without a run-up or the use of starting blocks.
    „I took a standing jump”
  2. remaining in force or use; permanent.
    „he has a standing invitation to visit them”
    synonimy: permanent, perpetual, everlasting, continuing, abiding, constant, fixed, indefinite, open-ended, regular, repeated
  3. (of water) stagnant or still.
    „standing water will also freeze in winter”
    synonimy: stagnant, still, motionless, immobile, inert, lifeless, dead, slack, static, stationary
  4. (of metal type) kept set up after use.
  5. (of grain) not yet reaped and so still erect.

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Postawa stojąca

Postawa stojąca

Stanie, zwane także ortostazą, to pozycja, w której ciało utrzymuje się w pozycji pionowej i opiera się wyłącznie na stopach. Choć pozornie statyczne, ciało kołysze się lekko w przód i w tył od kostki w płaszczyźnie strzałkowej. Płaszczyzna... Wikipedia (angielski)
4 dni temu · The meaning of STANDING is not yet cut or harvested. How to use standing in a sentence.
permanent or always continuing to exist or happen: African-Americans headed five standing committees in the House of Representatives.
Standing, or locus standi, is capacity of a party to bring suit in court. Standing in State Court. A state's statutes will determine what ...
still; not flowing or stagnant, as water; stationary. continuing without cessation or change; lasting or permanent.
/ˈstændɪŋ/ · noun. social or financial or professional status or reputation · noun. the act of assuming or maintaining an erect upright position · noun. an ...
7 senses: 1. social or financial position, status, or reputation 2. length of existence, experience, etc 3. used to stand in or.
adjective · static · motionless · in place · stationary · immobile · nonmoving · still · immovable · frozen · stuck.
still; not flowing or stagnant, as water; stationary. continuing without cessation or change; lasting or permanent. continuing in operation, force, use, etc.: a ...
STANDING meaning: 1 : used in or for standing; 2 : done while in a standing position.