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Rama (bóg) · rama (mechanika budowli) · rama do obrazu · rama rowerowa · rama samochodu · Rama (miasto biblijne) · Rama (Izrael) · Rama (margaryna) ...
rama z en.wikipedia.org
Rama is a major deity in Hinduism. He is the seventh and one of the most popular avatars of Vishnu. In Rama-centric traditions of Hinduism, he is considered ...
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rama z www.britannica.com
19 kwi 2024 · Rama, one of the most widely worshipped Hindu deities, considered the epitome of moral virtue and royal conduct. Although there are three Ramas ...
rama z ramaworks.store
The official RAMA WORKS® store – Boutique studio creating computer peripherals, tech gadgets, and household objects.
rama z www.landscapeforms.com
Rama lighting offers a minimalist design, universal aesthetic, and broad versatility. Directional lighting reduces light pollution and puts light where it ...
rama z smite.fandom.com
Rama switches to a more powerful arrow that Pierces and Slows enemies. This ability consumes 1 of Rama's Astral Arrows and deals bonus damage with every shot.
rama (1.2) roweru. wymowa: IPA: [ˈrãma], AS: [rãma], zjawiska fonetyczne: nazal. ​. znaczenia: rzeczownik, rodzaj żeński. (1.1) oprawa obrazu, lustra lub ...
rama z www.amazon.com
Ocena (13 387) · 7,48 USD
Rendezvous with Rama is unrelated to the 2001 series, but it likewise tells a story of mankind's first encounter with an alien intelligence. The novel begins in ...
28 kwi 2024 · The meaning of RAMA is a deity or deified hero of later Hinduism worshipped as an avatar of Vishnu.