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noun. monogamy [noun] the practice of being married to only one person at a particular time. monogamy [noun] (of a person or animal) the practice of having a sexual relationship with only one partner at a particular time.


Relacje interpersonalne Rodzaje Genetyczne lub adopcyjne relacja rodzinna rodzina rodzic matka ojciec rodzeństwo brat siostra Związane z małżeństwem małżonkowie otwarte małżeństwo monogamia poligamia poliandria poligynia Seksualne przypadkowy seks... Wikipedia
La monogamia (del griegu mónos, 'unu', y gamu, 'unión'), nel mundu animal, referir a la rellación de la pareya que caltién un venceyu sexual esclusivu ...
Ocena (12)
The love that once existed between my parents has vanished. The query of whether there is a solution to maintain the spark is reminiscent of my own marriage.
Monogamia (stgr. μονογαμία, od μόνος: monos – jeden i γάμος: gamos – małżeństwo) – najbardziej rozpowszechniony typ związku małżeńskiego, w którym jedna ...
Monogamy is used to refer to the state or custom of having a sexual relationship with only one partner. People still opt for monogamy and marriage.
Monogamy is used to refer to the state or custom of having a sexual relationship with only one partner. People still opt for monogamy and marriage. American ...
Noun edit · monogamy (a permanent pair bond between two beings) antonym △. Antonym: poligamia · monogamy (the practice of being married to one person) antonym ...
“Monogamia” takes you on a roller-coaster journey into the world of love and intimacy within committed relationships. Follow the director's personal quest to ...
Monogamy is the general rule, though a widow would frequently marry her husband's brother as a means of support and consolation (widow inheritance).