Definition of 'ministrant' 1. serving as a minister. noun. 2. a person who ministers, or serves.
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The meaning of MINISTRANT is performing service in attendance on someone.
a person who ministers. QUIZ. Word Of The Day Quiz: A Plethora Of Wonderful Words!
ministrant Add to list Share · noun. someone who serves as a minister. see moresee less. type of: curate, minister, minister of religion, parson, pastor, rector.
OED's earliest evidence for ministrant is from around 1558–9, in Statutes Sc. Church. ministrant is a borrowing from Latin.
a person who ministers. QUIZ. Word Of The Day Quiz: A Plethora Of Wonderful Words!
A person who ministers, or serves. Webster's New World. Similar definitions.
One who ministers. Adjective edit. ministrant (not comparable). administering; attendant ...
ministrant z www.thefreedictionary.com
min·is·trant ... n. One who ministers. adj. Serving attendance on someone. [From Latin ministrāns, ministrant-, present participle of ministrāre, to serve, from ...
Definition: A ministrant is someone who ministers or dispenses. In historical ecclesiastical law, it refers to a party who cross-examines a witness.