Smugi chemiczne

Smugi chemiczne

Smugi chemiczne – teoria spiskowa zakładająca, że smuga kondensacyjna powstająca za lecącym samolotem jest – zawsze bądź tylko w niektórych przypadkach – wytworem mającym utajony cel, wywoływany dystrybucją na wielkich obszarach dużych ilości... Wikipedia
Chemtrails refers to the theory that governments or other parties are engaged in a secret program to add toxic chemicals to the atmosphere from aircraft in a ...
The chemtrail conspiracy theory /ˈkɛmtreɪl/ is the erroneous belief that long-lasting condensation trails left in the sky by high-flying aircraft are ...
12 mar 2024 · The lines are called contrails, short for condensation trails, and they appear when water vapor condenses and freezes around the exhaust from an ...
2 kwi 2024 · Critics say it was inspired by unsubstantiated conspiracy theories that planes are spraying poison.
1 kwi 2024 · ... a bill banning geoengineering, but in their comments, some referenced fears that appeared to stem from the “chemtrails” conspiracy theory.
22 lip 2022 · A conspiracy theory about aircraft vapour trails takes hold on clear summer mornings.
Conspiracy theorists call chemtrails (chemical trails) the trails sometimes left in the sky by aircraft. According to these theories, they are the result of ...
27 mar 2024 · According to chemtrails believers, the government or another shadowy force is using commercial aircraft to release chemicals into the atmosphere ...
Chemtrails refers to a conspiracy theory that the government is using aircraft to secretly spray chemical or biological agents into the atmosphere for ...
31 mar 2024 · Legislation targeting baseless concept to keep state's skies clear essentially futile given politicians cannot control sky and wind.