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Beryl – minerał należący do grupy krzemianów pierścieniowych. Nazwa pochodzi od greckiego βήρυλλος, berillos – morska zieleń. Tworzy wiele poszukiwanych odmian kamieni szlachetnych: szmaragd – zielony akwamaryn – błękitny biksbit – czerwień... Wikipedia
Barwa: szeroka gama barw
Łupliwość: niedoskonała, równolegle do ściany podstawy
Przełam: nierówny
Skład chemiczny: Be3Al2Si6O18
Twardość w skali Mohsa: 7,5–8
Układ krystalograficzny: heksagonalny

Beryl · – pierwiastek chemiczny · – minerał · – menedżer okien · – telewizor · – polski karabinek wz. 96. Zobacz też ...
Beryl is a mineral composed of beryllium aluminium silicate with the chemical formula Be3Al2Si6O18. Well-known varieties of beryl include emerald and ...
beryl z www.mindat.org
A pleochroic light-sensitive variety containing 2.8% Cs2O and 1% Li2O - however the colour is caused by [CO3]- chromophore centers. See the section on ...
6 mar 2024 · The meaning of BERYL is a mineral consisting of a silicate of beryllium and aluminum of great hardness that occurs in colorless hexagonal ...
Beryl is a relatively rare silicate mineral with a chemical composition of Be3Al2Si6O18. It is found in igneous and metamorphic rocks in many parts of the ...
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Everything you ever wanted to know about beryl. Find value guidelines, scientific data, expert comments, and more in our Gemstone Encyclopedia.
beryl z nature.berkeley.edu
It is a ring silicate - the silicate tetrahedra are linked to form rings! Beryl commonly grows as elongate crystals with hexagonal cross sections.
Beryl is a most alluring and popular mineral. It occurs in a diversity of colors, and has several important gemstone varieties. The green variety, Emerald, is ...
beryl z www.britannica.com
beryl, mineral composed of beryllium aluminum silicate, Be3Al2(SiO3)6, a commercial source of beryllium. It has long been of interest because several ...
beryl z uwaterloo.ca
Beryl is often found in granites and granitic pegmatites but it can also be found in metamorphic rocks or in the veins and cavities of limestones and marbles.