

very skilled or proficient at something.
„he is adept at cutting through red tape”
synonimy: expert, proficient, accomplished, skillful, talented, gifted, masterly, virtuoso, consummate, peerless, adroit, dexterous, deft, nimble-fingered, handy, artful, able, capable, competent, brilliant, very good, splendid, marvelous, formidable, outstanding, first-rate, first-class, excellent, impressive, fine, great, top-notch, top-drawer, top-hole, tip-top, A1, wizard, magic, ace, fab, mean, crack, nifty, deadly, slick, brill, smashing, a dab hand at, crackerjack, badass, compleat, habile

a person who is skilled or proficient at something.
they are adepts at kung fu and karate”
synonimy: expert, past master, master, master hand, genius, virtuoso, maestro, doyen, artist, professional, veteran, old hand, grandmaster, champion, star, winner, wunderkind, wizard, demon, ace, hotshot, pro, whiz, wiz, buff, dab hand, maven, crackerjack

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Adept to osoba zidentyfikowana jako osoba, która osiągnęła określony poziom wiedzy, umiejętności lub zdolności w zakresie doktryn związanych z danym autorem lub organizacją. Wyróżniają się spośród innych swoimi wielkimi zdolnościami. Rozwijają się... Wikipedia (angielski)
adept implies special aptitude as well as proficiency. adept at doing long division.
Adept is an ML research and product lab building general intelligence by enabling humans and computers to work together creatively.
adjective. very skilled; proficient; expert: an adept juggler.
having a natural ability to do something that needs skill: She's very adept at dealing with the media.
Adept Cosmetics is an Asian owned independent brand established in 2017. We do not test on animals and care deeply about our planet, using upcycled ...
An adept is an individual identified as having attained a specific level of knowledge, skill, or aptitude in doctrines relevant to a particular author or ...
adjective · inexperienced · incapable · unskilled · unable · incompetent · amateur · inexpert · inept · weak · amateurish.
/əˈdɛpt/ · adjective. having or showing knowledge and skill and aptitude. “adept in handicrafts”. “an adept juggler” · noun. someone who is dazzlingly skilled ...
Adept Armor for superior protection. Our ballistic helmets, plates and tactical armor are the pinnacle of high-end body armor systems.
ADEPT® has been proven to reduce post-surgical adhesions in patients undergoing gynecological laparoscopic surgery. Its unique properties offer a simple ...